system_type=$(uname -s) # aliases alias more=less alias mroe=more alias tk=take alias top10="print -l -- \${(o)history%% *} | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 10" alias zsh-plugins="ls \$ZPLUGINDIR" alias vi=nvim # git aliases alias g=git alias gi=g alias gg='g grep' alias gs='g status' alias gd='g diff' alias ga='g add' alias gap='ga -p' alias gc='g commit' alias gp='g push' # YADM aliases alias y="yadm" alias ys="y status" alias ysu="ys -u" alias yg='y grep' alias yd='y diff' alias ya='y add' alias yap='ya -p' alias yc='y commit' alias yp='y push' # Homebrew aliases alias b="brew" alias bi="b info" alias bin="b install" alias bu="b uninstall" alias brm="bu" alias bs="b search" alias bv="brew-visit" # a function defined elsewhere # These depend on some installed packages, so just to be safe alias ls="ls -F" [[ "$(command -v lsd)" ]] && alias ls="lsd -F" [[ "$(command -v bat)" ]] && alias cat="bat" [[ "$(command -v htop)" ]] && alias top="htop" [[ "$(command -v duf)" ]] && alias df="duf" # Toggle hidden files in Finder alias showhidden='defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE; killall Finder' alias hidehidden='defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE; killall Finder' # For passing github token to gh alias gh="op plugin run -- gh" if [ "$system_type" = "Darwin" ]; then # Open iTerm from VS Code terminal # May refactor this to make the alias available in all non-iTerm terminals [ ! -v "$IN_VS_CODE_TERMINAL" ] && alias iterm="open -a iTerm" fi if [ -e "${0:a:h}"/aliases.local ]; then source "${0:a:h}"/aliases.local else echo "$(pwd): Couldn't find aliases.local!" echo "Maybe: ${0:a:h}/aliases.local" fi