system_type=$(uname -s) # Shell options OPTIONS=( auto_cd append_history share_history histignorealldups INC_APPEND_HISTORY ## Gonna slowly turn these on and see what I like # auto_list # auto_menu # auto_pushd # completeinword # correct # extended_history # histexpiredupsfirst # histignoredups # histignorespace # histverify # this one can get annoying... # interactivecomments # listpacked # longlistjobs # nocaseglob # noflowcontrol # promptsubst # pushdignoredups # pushdminus ) setopt $OPTIONS[@] fpath+=($HOME/.config/zsh/functions) CONFIG_DIR=$HOME/.config ZSH_CONFIG_DIR=$CONFIG_DIR/zsh FILES_TO_SOURCE=() FILES_TO_SOURCE+=( $ZSH_CONFIG_DIR/aliases $ZSH_CONFIG_DIR/environment $ZSH_CONFIG_DIR/zsh-unplugged # extremely minimal "package manager" $HOME/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh ) if [ "$system_type" = "Darwin" ]; then FILES_TO_SOURCE+=( $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/ $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm ) fi for file in "${FILES_TO_SOURCE[@]}"; do if [ -s $file ]; then source "$file" else echo "WARNING: $file is empty or does not exist." fi done # Load functions fpath+=("$ZSH_CONFIG_DIR/functions") FUNCS_TO_AUTOLOAD=() FUNCS_TO_AUTOLOAD+=( f fshow show-fpath take tre touchp unbuff promptinit compinit ) if [ "$system_type" = "Darwin" ]; then FUNCS_TO_AUTOLOAD+=( brew-visit ql ) fi autoload -Uz $FUNCS_TO_AUTOLOAD && compinit && promptinit prompt pure [ -f ~/.fzf.zsh ] && source ~/.fzf.zsh && source <(fzf --zsh) if [ "$system_type" = "Darwin" ]; then [ -f $HOME/.config/op/ ] && source ~/.config/op/ [ -e $HOME/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh ] && source $HOME/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh [ -f /opt/homebrew/opt/git-extras/share/git-extras/git-extras-completion.zsh ] && source /opt/homebrew/opt/git-extras/share/git-extras/git-extras-completion.zsh if [ -d /Applications/ ]; then # adding shhist to PATH, so we can use it from Terminal export PATH="${PATH}:/Applications/" # creating an unique session id for each terminal session __shhist_session="${RANDOM}" # prompt function to record the history __shhist_prompt() { local __exit_code="${?:-1}" \history -D -t "%s" -1 | sudo --preserve-env --user ${SUDO_USER:-${LOGNAME}} shhist insert --session ${TERM_SESSION_ID:-${__shhist_session}} --username ${LOGNAME} --hostname $(hostname) --exit-code ${__exit_code} --shell zsh return ${__exit_code} } # integrating prompt function in prompt precmd_functions=(__shhist_prompt $precmd_functions) fi fi $HOME/.iterm2/it2check export TERMINAL_IS_ITERM2=$? if [ $TERMINAL_IS_ITERM2 -eq 0 ]; then iterm2_print_user_vars() { it2git } fi eval "$(zoxide init --cmd j zsh)" [[ "$(command -v thefuck)" ]] && eval $(thefuck --alias) [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion